Does your child have a first love? How should we treat them as parents and is it a good idea to advise or forbid our children to

We all have memories of our first love, although there may be times when we look back and laugh. But how do parents perceive their children\’s first love?

Does your child have a first love? How do you approach it as a parent and is it a good idea to advise or forbid your child to do something?

There is probably no one without memories of their first love as a child. Some fell in love in elementary school, others in kindergarten. While the memories are wonderful, we certainly remember our parents\’ reactions to our first love. Are you in a similar situation right now? Has your child fallen in love and already seen it from the other side, i.e., the parent\’s side? Don\’t make the mistake a parent might have made: take your child\’s love affair seriously and don\’t get in the young person\’s way.

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Don\’t look with your fingers crossed

Your son\’s new girlfriend may have pink hair and a pierced belly button, your minor daughter\’s boyfriend may already have tattoos, may already be older, may already have a car They may already have a car. Yes, as parents, we receive our children\’s affections differently. We don\’t admire tattoos or piercings, we don\’t want our kids to drive cars, we don\’t want them to spend a lot of time alone with us. However, children grow up, just as you once did, and few children really let their parents talk to them about their love lives. Moreover, the first love of adolescence is probably stronger than any future love in life. In short, first love is intense and strong.

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If you don\’t want to leave your child and become an unreachable and utterly annoying parent, you have to be tolerant, even if in your heart you wish the infatuation would disappear. However, we should not watch our children\’s love affair too closely with our fingers crossed. Do not gossip or point out that the tattoos are absolutely horrible. You are the only one who thinks so. It is only you who thinks so. If you have a good relationship with your child, it will work out. Set a weekday curfew and a weekend curfew. Decide where your child can and cannot go with your love, and be sure to explain your position and the reasons that led to certain restrictions. No, I don\’t expect your child to do everything you want, but you will feel more comfortable if you can be upfront with each other.