Can I grow vegetables in my apartment?

Currently, the issue of food self-sufficiency is resurfacing due to rising food prices and the resulting decline in living standards for many people. People are increasingly considering growing their own vegetables to save money.

This is, of course, less of a problem for those who own their own land, whether it is a family home or a vacation home. However, the housing crisis has meant that fewer and fewer people are able to have this option. Therefore, many people are trying to find solutions to grow food in their own homes.

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First I must say that it is of course technically possible. If you have a pot deep enough, you can even grow root vegetables. From a practical standpoint, however, there are several obstacles.

The main one is of course lack of space. If one wants to grow enough, it is often necessary to box up the entire apartment. Not to mention the need to maintain lighting conditions if one wants the plants to grow.

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Then there is the need for watering. Outdoor growing is greatly affected by rain, but indoors it is up to us. And we all know that water is not free. Therefore, water and sewage costs can be quite high.

Finally, we must not forget that most seeds are harvested once or twice a year. And if you want to be self-sufficient, what you grow must last until the next harvest. Add to that the fact that crops grown indoors tend to yield less than those grown outdoors.

Thus, while such self-sufficiency may be technically possible, it is very impractical and obviously almost impossible for most people. Therefore, it is better to stick to conventional grocery shopping. Do the math and you will see that you will ultimately save money.