Little things that can revive your relationship

You have been with your partner for a long time and everyone around you foresees marriage. It would be difficult to find someone else who can continue a relationship without major crises, who understands you and accepts you as you are. Still, sometimes I wonder what I can do to boost the relationship and how I can make my partner understand that he or she is the one for me. Break through the stereotypes of everyday life and get inspired by our tips.

Compliment him

When your partner comes home from work and excitedly talks about how good his presentation was, praise him sincerely. What makes you proud of him? He is dependable, cooperative, takes care of his dog, and knows a lot about history. …… Often we take things for granted, but it\’s nice to hear a compliment out loud.


Time for a date

Plan a date together. This may sound crazy, but after years of being together, being home together every day, and going on dates? Yes, it would add a whole new sparkle to the relationship. Put on some pretty clothes, put on some makeup, make a reservation at a nice Mexican restaurant. It will remind you of the beginning of your relationship.

Laugh Together

Laughter heals, extends life, and strengthens bonds. Laugh together. Doing so will bring you closer together. Watch a funny comedy or sitcom. Tell your partner about anything that made you laugh during the day and laugh together.

Play games

Get out a board game and play. In everyday life we don\’t compete with each other, but in a game you play to win and the loser has to do something for the other person. How about giving a massage to the winner?

Three Reasons Why I Love You

When you are lounging in bed on Sunday, give each other three reasons why you love the other. You\’ll see how important you are to each other.

Breakfast in bed

Surprise your partner by making breakfast in bed. What does he like? Tea and scrambled eggs with ham? Have a lovely morning and he\’ll be thinking about you all day long.

Post a note on the mirror

Write a message on a sticky note and put it somewhere visible in your apartment. For example, “Come home from work early today,” “I\’ll be waiting for you in bed,” “I\’m making your favorite lasagna tonight.”

Going out for culture

When was the last time you went out for culture together? We go to see a play or musical. After the show, have a nice dinner and a glass of wine and quietly discuss your impressions. Do not rush home.


What else brings your relationship alive:

  • Dance together
  • Make plans for the future together
  • Pull out your travel photos and remember places you have been together
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  • Hold hands as you walk
  • Make secret sex dreams come true
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