If you have ever thought about changing a bank, the following information is important and will speed up your decision easily. Some are important to maintain a free account, others are important to maintain the network of branches, the number and availability of Atms and internet banking, and there are also significant differences in the offers and prices of other products, such as loans and payments abroad. The vast majority of banks offer a very simple and quick procedure when changing a bank account, especially thanks to the use of mobility codes.
Mobility Code
It is essentially a format in which the client can change the bank within a few working days, including the account balance, all permanent orders for payment and direct debit orders. In this form, the client authorizes the new bank to handle all the necessary conditions and procedures for him in the original bank.
The original bank can not complicate the departure of the client in any way, charge any fee for departure or impose other conditions According to the Law on this payment system, it is possible to set a fee for account cancellation only if the account is held less than 1 year.
The client can withdraw the contract and terminate the account free of charge within 2 months after the price increase announced by the bank. In addition, cancellations are always free, as there is no possibility to charge a fee if the account period is less than 1 year.
How to proceed
Thanks to the mobility code, it is enough to come to a new bank and sign the form. Simply put, a few minutes of negotiations in a new bank with an id card is enough. The problem could be a mortgage made in the original bank. Some banks have more favorable interest rates on mortgages provided that they maintain their current account. Of course, the mortgage can also be transferred to another bank, but if it is different from at the end of the fixed period, the commission will be higher.
The account number may be retained, but it is at least the part after the slash, that is, the bank code, that you want to change. Of course, each bank has its own.